The stuff I bought excluding the lingerie which I ain't showing!!

The purse I bought for only 40 bucks.... actually my brother paid for it. In fact he paid for everything!! Nice guy!!

I love this bag!! Only 50 bucks!! I know I know!! My purse is black, my bag is black, really boring!! Still black matches everything!!

I love these products from Skin Food. Got a jar of Rice Mask, Coffee Body Scrub and Bordeaux Body Cream!! Feels really good on my skin!
Yesterday I hung out with some old friends of mine..... *sigh* I want to say I had an excellent time sadly I didn't. Sometimes I just don't get how and why some people particularly these girls who seem to make a sport out of insulting other people's choice in clothing! I wanna say I'm not like them but I can't help but reflect that I may actually be one of them!! *shudder* Spending time with them made me reflect my own attitude towards other people. I know I'm not the most attractive female in the world but still I really think people who think they are attractive should never demean less attractive individuals. So I'm gonna start being less bitchy about other people's appearances unless that person really deserves it.
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