Well... a few days ago, I found out Kelly will be guesting in this radio show called "Switch" (or something like that) in UK. The show starts at 7 p.m London time which is like 3 a.m. our time. I'm usually fine with sleeping late since I'm such a night owl however recently I have been sleeping late like 4 a.m. So I was kinda worried I would miss out the show so I decided to sleep early and wake up at 2.30a.m to catch the show... Who knew it was so difficult to sleep before 10p.m!! I tried to sleep instead I kept tossing and turning finally I thought 'This is too hard!!' and I gave up and busied myself with reading Stephen King "Salem's Lot". By the way, I love his works especially his older works!! I think his later books like "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" and "Dreamcatcher" are not as good as "Carrie" or "IT" (maybe that's just me being picky about characters and plots! Pfft! Whatever!!)
Seriously, I don't buy books now because:-
a) I'm a fast reader so there's no point spending RM50 on a book, finish it in 4 hours and decided I hated everything about it and throw it aside.
b) Why buy when I can download!! (Yes... I support piracy!! Who doesn't!!)
c) When I download, if I hate the ebook I can just delete it and it doesn't take up much space unlike the physical books!
Some of my more book-loving friends give me that look and said rather snidely (I might add) 'Don't you love reading books? Reading from the PC isn't gonna give that big a thrill, right?' Ugh!! I love books alright!! I just don't fancy spending so much on books I'll probably hate especially when I can spend it on shopping! I'm not that big of a snob that if I wanna read, I MUST read from an actual book!

My apologies for going off on a tangent but people who think like that just piss me off!! Anyway... I managed to listen to the show and I just have to say, I don't like the DJ too much but Kelly as her usual self is just plain great! Finally I get why the album title is "All I Ever Wanted" as usual Kelly has her own reasons and she explained why the single cover is so photo-shopped. Yay for all the new info and above are some pics of Kelly leaving the studio. So here's the interview:-
Part 1
Part 2
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