Guess what!! I barely slept last night because of this stupid Idol function at Disneyworld!! I found out at the last minute that Kelly is going to be there so I started watching the live stream..... I waited for 5 HOURS only for Kelly to appear on stage for like 10 seconds!!! YES!! THAT'S RIGHT!! 5 HOURS of seeing people I could care less about just to see Kelly for less than 10 seconds!! AHHH!!! I miss my beauty sleep because of this!! I can't even blame Kelly because there was never any mention of her going to the stupid function!! I think the main reason Kelly went is because IDOL wanted ALL the winners to be onstage!!! God!! This just makes me so pissed!!!! Actually I spent more than 5 hours watching the damn show and I don't even like Idol!! I'm so pissed right now.... I feel like strangling the organizers and I know for a fact that I'm not the only Kelly fan who felt this way. I felt like giving up after 3 hours but I held up in hopes that Kelly will perform.... alas she didn't.... *Sigh* I'll just wait for her performances in the Bahamas later today.... Anyway, the only thing I got out of watching the WHOLE fucking show is this pic!! The others were too fucking blur and I could barely see Kelly!! Seriously.... the stuff I'm willing to do for Kelly....

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