Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge fan of Miss Kelly Clarkson and I’ve been faithfully monitoring her career since her American Idol days. (I know I know you guys are sick and tired of listening to me rant about Kelly but you have to admit loyalty is a good characteristic to have!!) So…it’s been quite a while since Kelly had a new album and a few posts ago I mentioned that her new album or at least a new single would probably be out by now… well… I’m wrong. Her new album will probably be out by March and according to her personal blog, the album is now being mixed and mastered (whatever that means…) AND it has been said that her new single ‘My life would suck without you’ will be released in January. Yay!! This track is produced by the same people who produced her HUGE hit ‘Since U Been Gone’ and it’s sort of like a Part 2 to the song!! ‘Since U Been Gone’ is one of my favorite tracks by Kelly and I CANNOT wait to hear it!
You can rest assure that as soon as that song pops up online, I will be rushing to listen to it! It definitely won’t be the first time I’ve done that! When ‘Never Again’ was leaked online, I sacrificed my beauty sleep to listen to it and look for ways to download the song. Ah… the things I would do for Miss Kelly Clarkson… like buying my first album in like seven years just to show her my support (not like she’ll ever know it but whatever it’s the thought that counts!). I mean I’ve always downloaded my songs but I decided to the right thing for my favorite singer and American Idol.

I just hope that the new album will get the promotion and support from the studio that ‘My December’ lacked which still pisses me off to no end. I mean I admit that ‘My December’ may not appeal to everyone but it does have its charms. AND when her new album is released, she’s bound to do some touring to promote her album… AND since her Australian fans have always been so supportive of her work, she’s definitely going there, right? Since I’ll most likely be in
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