I know it's been like two or maybe even three weeks since I've updated so mucho apologies!! Anyway... I've been really busy with group meetings and presentations.... but no matter how busy I get, I still managed to grab the deluxe edition of Kelly's new album 'All I Ever Wanted'!!!! God I love that girl/woman!!! I've been listening to her non-stop (not the CD though.... the mp3's cuz I'm not gonna let the CD get scratched in any way!!). She's now embarking on her US promotion tour and she had performed on Idol and SNL!! Her performances are beyond fantastic but I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan of her fashion choices but.... I'm not a fan because of her fashion choices, I'm a fan because of her beautiful voice!! And major kudos to me!! I managed to get two of my friends to admire and appreciate Kelly's songs and live performances!! YAY!!! AND KELLY'S COMING TO AUSTRALIA IN MAY/JUNE!!! I'm just not too sure whether she's coming to Perth!! So i'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! PLEASE COME, KELLY!!! Don't make me fly all the way to Melbourne to see you!!

I'm majorly happy about the great reviews Kelly has been getting and the amount of airplay she's getting over here!! It does a fan's heart a whole world of good when she hears her idol getting so much love after the lack of love and all the misunderstandings she got for 'My December'. I'm also ecstatic about the fact that Kate Winslet finally won an Oscar and her speech was hilarious and sweet!! Although, I do wish Meryl Streep gets the recognition she deserves but hey, if she can get nominated 16 times, she'll get lots more nominations and she'll win again one day.... Still... I love Kate!! Amazing isn't it that my two favourite female celebrities' names starts with K and the both of them are not the typical skinny Hollywood type and they're talented as hell!! That just means I'm starting to lose my love for just plain aesthetic beauty!! Whoo!! I'm maturing!!! Now if I'll just stop loving Johnny Depp for just his looks then I can officially announce I'm no longer a superficial bitch!!
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