Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Exorcist is best horror film ever!



Just watched the Exorcist and it’s the best horror movie of all time! After all this time it still manages to captivate me like no other horror movies… Linda Blair scared the fuck out of me when I was kid and now that I’m an adult, I’m still spooked by the movie. Although I won’t get nightmares tonight but I’ll certainly be thinking of floating beds and rotating heads AND the phrase ‘The Power of Christ compels you’ is now stuck in my head and no amount of Kelly songs and Simpsons and South Park quotes can get it out of my head….



Why can’t horror movies these days be like Exorcist or Poltergeist? Modern horror movies don’t give the same oomph or maybe it’s my age? After all I watched ‘The Exorcist’, ‘The Omen’ and ‘Poltergeist’ when I was a kid and it affected me deeply… Although the horror movie that impacted me the most was Stephen King’s  ‘It’. It may not be the best horror movie ever made but it was the only one that continuously gave me nightmares when I was young and innocent (that was a short period of my life). All because I used to have a small figurine of a clown on the head of my bed and I kept thinking that it would transform into Pennywise. Even when I threw the stupid thing away, I kept imagining that it would climb into my bed and do unspeakable things to me…. Can’t imagine new films like ‘Paranormal Activity’ or  the new ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ giving me the same chills… By the way, I never was a fan of Freddy Kreuger or Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers. I thought those were more gory than scary. I’m gonna stop thinking of all these movies and watch a good Simpsons episode circa Season 5 which is like god knows how many years ago…

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